Friday, 30 December 2016


Someone stole your car registration sticker last night when you were home. You always knew that your neighbors are good and they never complain about small things. You could never believe that leaving your car out for 10 minutes can cost you this. Thieves stole it to use it to give their car an impression of that of a registered one. At times one is left with no option but street parking while moving across the city. It should get you anything but not a ticket on the windshield for an expired registration. Registration services are always important and a bit tricky at times. 

If you are among the folks who have suspected your neighbors to do this harm to you or you are frustrated to the level that you want an investigation, try and speak to the department of motor vehicles for they are the whole soul for auto registration services any individual is supposed to reach out to. One can and should appeal the ticket and get a new sticker. As in most of the places stickers are not supposed to be kept inside the car. Does that mean your sticker is always exposed to thieves? But is there any way to get the sticker on its place? Can theft be prevented for your registration sticker? 

One thing is clear about stolen car sticker- it is costly and useful. This is why people try to get it easy and bring it into use. So now one can get creative here to have it at the place but not useful for others. You can put some extra and strong adhesive at the edges of the sticker so that the thief does not get his fingertips under the edges easily. You should draw fine lines with a craft knife on the sticker once it is pasted on its place. When somebody will try to peel it he will get to see the lines and it will be difficult to paste it on his license plate. Let the thieves get the smallest part of your sticker which will not harm you anyways. 

Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA


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